Ciser System Solutions

Ciser System IP Intercommunication and Control Solutions
Evacuation Shelters, evacuation areas, SOS points and information posts in buildings, among others.

CiserSystem has been dedicated to developing reliable, secure and robust solutions for use in emergency and informational intercommunications inside and outside buildings. The products designed by CiserSystem have the necessary characteristics to ensure that said intercom complies with the special regulations for buildings (building standard CTE SUA9/SI 3-7), as well as being accessible to people with visual or hearing disabilities (with Braille, backlit mechanical button, luminous indications, audio messages of call status, with the possibility of a camera and magnetic loop).

Among the outstanding applications for the use of our devices, thanks to their special features thanks to their robustness and striking colours, is the use in buildings in the so-called Evacuation Shelters in Buildings. On the other hand, our intercom devices also have more interesting applications inside and outside buildings, such as information points (yellow Panphones) or SOS assistance (red Panphones) and even help points or information kiosks (where our metal intercoms or cards embedded in other third-party devices can be found). Elevators are another common use for incorporating intercom for help (embedded cards) or at access doors to parking lots or restricted areas, being some of the many applications available.

Safety and trust are important for emergency use, which is why Ciser System products are ideal thanks to their robustness and quality, in addition to offering all the functionalities for compliance with the safety regulations in buildings for Evacuation Shelters.

Ciser System devices are of very good quality with industrial characteristics designed for extensive use thanks to the fact that they are robust, resistant and can be installed both indoors and outdoors. In addition, as they allow IP or mobile data communication, they can be located at any point in the building wirelessly or by cable.

Its use is so wide that here we only name some of the possibilities for finding Ciser System technology:

In Spain, the building regulations CTE SUA9/SI 3 must be complied with in buildings and ensure that there are rooms that are conditioned and enabled for the so-called Evacuation Shelter or Evacuation Areas. This regulation follows the requirements at European level regarding Constructive Safety in buildings, with similar regulations in other countries focused on the same application. Evacuation Shelter are areas or premises designed to safeguard disabled people in the evacuation process in an emergency, until they can be evacuated with external help. These Evacuation Shelter, according to the standard, must provide security and communication at all times to the people who are there in the event of an emergency.

Ciser System equipment is enabled to offer communication services in the Evacuation Shelter due to its resistance and because it complies with all the statements indicated in the accessibility and security standard, in addition to adding more features that make it ideal in these environments. It has all the accessibility features such as Braille to indicate the call buttons, backlit button with different lighting states to indicate the status of the call, audio messages throughout the call process, and the magnetic loop and camera can be added to offer more features and improve assistance.

Intercommunication can be to central command and control posts or emergency services. By using communication standards, intercommunication is possible through IP-SIP lines and/or mobile lines, allowing communication at all times. Additionally, the availability of the equipment can be monitored remotely, being able to attend, supervise and control the devices from remote sites and guarantee that they will be available when emergencies arise.

Ciser System devices also allow external elements to be controlled with the available relays and digital inputs and outputs, providing more capacity to the special installations of the Evacuation Zone. It is also possible to use the additional IP ports for the interconnection of other external devices.

Another common use of Ciser System devices is the SOS Information and Emergency Points (Yellow and Red Panphones), which can be installed at different points in buildings to offer assistance in case of emergency or help if required. They allow hands-free communication in noisy environments with very good audio quality with the monitoring or surveillance centers of the building. Normally these are located at common passage points, in emergency stairs, next to elevators, in parking lots, exit/evacuation doors and more.

Also the PCB cards/boards Ciser System manufactures in-house are widely used in elevators and information kiosks, since they can be integrated into other devices, allowing all the intercom and control features they offer.

The installation of Ciser System equipment, both devices and cards, is flexible and unlimited, thanks to its connection features with standard IP-SIP, 4G/LTE, WIFI communications, allowing connectivity at any point in the building or outside it, with no limitation on the number of devices. All of them can be controlled and monitored remotely, so that their operation can be supervised at all times from technical or command posts. They can even be distributed across different campuses or locations, and be monitored as well. This facilitates the maintenance work on the equipment, because it is also possible to perform configurations and updates remotely and in bulk easily, through the use of the web application itself, through other standard applications (with SMNP, SCADA), or through APIs.

The other common uses of Ciser Systems products are those known as access control and intercom at access doors in restricted areas, parking lots, warehouses and others. Where it is possible to open the door remotely on demand or by means of a typed code, QR code. It is now also possible to configure time codes and time control for special accesses.

It should also be noted that Ciser System solutions use communication protocols and standards, and can be integrated with proprietary or third-party communications solutions or special installations such as switchboards (PBX), video surveillance systems, public address systems, access controls, alarm systems, security and control and infrastructure management software applications, ERPs, among others, all of which are widely used in special building installations.

As an added value, it is also important to highlight that it is possible to save operating histories and produce reports, which can also be used by external advanced reporting applications, dashboards, data analytics (Big Data), artificial intelligence, among others, for other applications and service analysis.


  • Hands-free intercom
  • Intercom with high audio quality and power.
  • VoIP communication and IP video
  • Integration with IP telephone switchboards (PBX)
  • IP SIP communication, IP SIP + 4G/LTE, WIFI, GSM or analogue
  • Emergency intercom on a device compatible with the CTE SUA9/SI 3-7 building standard
  • Accessibility via Braille, magnetic loop, backlit mechanical button, luminous visual indications, audio messages (call status) and IP camera
  • Different presentation formats: with red casing (SOS or emergency) or yellow (Information), PCB card (Integrable in any device or furniture) and vandal-proof
  • Integration with IP cameras
  • Integration with IP public address system (broadcasting of warnings)
  • Access control (remote, automatic with QR, by dialing code, with card readers, by push button and
  • Door or barrier control
  • Relays controlled locally, remotely or automatically
  • Intercommunication with 1 button (or by keypad dialing in other versions)
  • Centralized management for multiple points/devices/sites
  • Communication, control, configuration and testing remotely from one or more Command and Control Centers
  • Integration with third parties: Web, SMNP, SCADA, APIs, etc.
  • Digital inputs and outputs and integration with IoT
  • Round control for surveillance or maintenance services (using code or card readers)
  • IP intercommunication also available with CiserPBX

Ciser System can perform Custom developments on the plates, devices, software applications and CiserPBX switchboard.

Complete IP Intercom and Control System

The Ciser System IP Intercom and Control solutions for applications in Evacuation Shelter, Evacuation areas, SOS points and information posts in buildings, among others, allow the communication and remote management of the devices, which can have different configurations and formats (integrated equipment or cards). Intercommunication is carried out via IP SIP or 4G/LTE, through private networks or through CiserPBX (in the cloud or private network). Remote management and monitoring can be carried out from different points in the network and can be carried out from one or more centers. Integration with third-party applications connected to the network is possible.

Shelter and evacuation zones, SOS and information points in buildings, and more

Intercom systems

For Evacuation Shelters and Evacuation areas

Panphone C Series products, mainly those for SOS Emergency, are prepared to comply with the CTE SUA9/SI 3-7 building standard with the ability to carry out emergency communication in Evacuation Shelter (evacuation area) with the special characteristics required by accessibility regulations, incorporating facilities for communication for people with disabilities such as Braille to signal the call buttons, backlit button with illuminated indication of the call status, audio messages that inform at all times the process of the call, and as additional elements that are not in the standard but that can be incorporated to add more assistance elements, the magnetic loop and the camera.

They allow reliable and high-quality intercommunication with the control center and/or emergency services, and can also be monitored remotely, which facilitates maintenance and control tasks, as well as allowing their availability to be known at all times.

These devices can be either IP-SIP LTE/4g or Wifi. Panphone devices are specially designed to work outdoors as they are made of resistant, vandal-proof materials. There is a card version that can be incorporated into barriers or doors from various manufacturers.

Informative Intercom Systems or SOS

In common areas, Access, Emergency Exits and others

The SOS Emergency Panphone devices in Yellow and Red from Ciser System are ideal for intercommunication throughout the building, mainly in common areas and emergency exits, or in all rooms where support or help is needed for those who need it. With their striking colors and assistance capabilities mentioned above, they are highly sought after for installation in any type of building, especially where there is a constant flow of people.

IP Intercom and Control Systems

For Elevators and Kiosks

Ciser System’s intercom PCB cards can be integrated into third-party devices, providing all IP intercom and control services. They have been widely used in elevators to provide assistance when required. They are also used in information kiosks that are generally used in office buildings or centers to provide general information to the public. In addition to having the possibility of using a communications port for other applications, they have relays and digital input and output ports to control different devices. They have been used for information kiosks, ATMs, vending machines, among others.

Communication with the assistance center can be via wireless with mobile network communication (GSM, LTE/4g) or Wifi.

Access Control Systems

For restricted areas, access doors, warehouses, guardhouses, etc.

Panphone devices allow access control to rooms or areas of the building, both inside and outside. They are mainly used for access to parking lots, access doors, guardhouses, warehouses, private areas and in general to particularly restricted areas. They have relays that control doors or external devices as well as offering all the features of intercom or video transmission in the case of devices with a camera. Doors can be opened remotely or by means of a code (by keyboard or QR with camera), or proximity card. Access is configurable and programmable allowing the possibility of access by schedule or time.

They are very versatile devices in different versions for flush-mounting and surface-mounting, vandal-proof and very resistant to the elements, and can be installed in places where it is difficult to reach with physical wiring because there are wireless versions with WIFI IP-SIP or LTE/4G.

They are very versatile devices in different versions for flush-mounting and surface-mounting, vandal-proof and very resistant to the elements and inhospitable places.
The Security Panphone is also specially designed without holes and buttons for environments where greater security and to avoid manipulation are required.

Integrated Video Surveillance Systems

Both the IP-SIP Panphone with camera, IP Cameras and IP Wall Monitor from Ciser System can be integrated into video surveillance systems, since they use VideoIP and standard codecs.

IP Public Address System

The IP Public Address system from Ciser System is ideal for broadcasting announcements and sounds in large buildings. Both wall speakers, ceiling speakers, and IP speakers are POE, which makes their installation easier and more flexible. It is also possible to use IP Gateways that adapt traditional loudspeakers and amplifiers to the IP PA system. Messages can be broadcast in a scheduled, centralized and zone-based manner.



Intercommunication and IP Control in one device Intercommunication and IP Control in one device
Everything you need for efficient intercommunication and remote device control.

Different presentation formats Different presentation formats
Ciser System can provide both finished equipment and boards for integration into other devices.
<strong>Standard SIP communication</strong> Standard SIP communication
Standard communication with IP PBXs, through the SIP standard. CiserPBX solution available in the cloud or on-premise.
<strong>Wired and wireless solution</strong> Wired and wireless solution
The product versions allow communication in both wired and wireless connection formats with WIFI or via 4G/LTE.
<strong>Easy scalability</strong> Easy scalability
As many devices as the LAN allows can be added, there is really no limit on the number of devices
<strong>Easy integration into devices</strong> Easy integration into devices
The PCB card format allows its integration into other devices or client infrastructures.
<strong>Remote Control of Doors and other I/O applications</strong> Remote Control of Doors and other I/O applications
The devices, both equipment and cards themselves, have control with Relays for remote control of doors and other elements, with digital I/O. It is possible to add more digital inputs and outputs with OPTO cards.
<strong>Easy integration with other solutions</strong> Easy integration with other solutions
Integration with other CiserSystem solutions and with third-party solutions is possible. IP PA, video surveillance, alarms, analytics, big data and AI solutions can be integrated, among others.
<strong>Easy installation and maintenance</strong> Easy installation and maintenance
Thanks to the remote administration and configuration tools, installation and maintenance are easy.
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SOS Emergency Panphones

Anti-vandal Panphones

Panphones Box

PCB card

Security Panphones


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